Topic: phosphonates


Diduco has published a scientific peer-reviewed case study on how modern analytical method development can be performed in the pharmaceutical industry. The work was performed according to analytical quality by design (AQbD) principles to establish the design space and robust setpoint of the ion chromatography assay, and then validated according to the guidelines established by the International Council for Harmonization (ICH).
New preliminary assay for the antiviral medication foscarnet which is a DNA polymerase inhibitor that is used to combat herpes viruses, including drug-resistant cytomegalovirus, and to treat patients with HIV as part of salvage therapy. This method was developed by Diduco to meet the requirements in the ICH guidelines, as a contribution to the United States Pharmacopoeia initiative for modernized monograph methods.
Official quality control method for the first-generation bisphosphonate clodronate, which inhibits bone resorption and is used to treat bone weakness or pain caused by cancer that has spread to the skeleton. This analysis was performed according to the European Pharmacopoeia monograph method which is used to determine related substances that could be present as impurities in the active ingredient.

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Tobias Jonsson
CEO, PhD in chemistry
Mobile: +46 705783490

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