During isocratic elution, the mobile phase elution strength within the column is constant throughout the entire separation process. This is how most liquid chromatography quality control methods are designed and it contrasts with gradient elution.
Naturally, any unintended changes of eluent composition will affect the retention. In ion chromatography, which often use hydroxide eluents or carbonate-bicarbonate eluents that has very limited buffer capacity, it is therefore often important to protect the eluent solution from contamination by foreign ions. Glass bottles, which have a tendency of releasing ions from it surfaces, may therefore often not be a suitable choice for eluent storage. In addition, these eluents often need to be protected from carbon dioxide in the air to avoid contamination by carbonate species.
To learn more, browse the application examples below or contact Diduco to discuss your specific analysis.
Get in contact
I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding our products and services.
Tobias Jonsson
CEO, PhD in chemistry
Mobile: +46 705783490
E-mail: tobias@diduco.com
Diduco is a leading provider of professional services in high performance liquid chromatography and manufacturer of the Xenoic® XAMS chemical suppressor and ASUREX automatic regenerator for ion chromatography.
Diduco AB
Tvistevägen 48C
90736 Umeå