Instrument: Metrohm


ion chromatography

Published case study of analytical quality by design method development and validation

Diduco has published a scientific peer-reviewed case study on how modern analytical method development can be performed in the pharmaceutical industry. The work was performed according to analytical quality by design (AQbD) principles to establish the design space and robust setpoint of the ion chromatography assay, and then validated according to the guidelines established by the International Council for Harmonization (ICH).

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Tartrate in dietary supplements
ion chromatography

Analysis of dietary supplement capsules with carnitine using a generic method for counterions

Oral L-carnitine is a dietary supplement that has been shown to reduce fatigue in elderly people with low muscular endurance, but its effects on athletes during physical activity are not well-supported. Although this endogenous compound is well-known for its involvement in the mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids, no scientific evidence has been found that carnitine in isolation enhances fat-burning.

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Ion chromatography of five inorganic anions with and without XAMS suppressor formatted
ion chromatography

Comparing suppressed and non-suppressed ion chromatography

Suppressed ion chromatography with conductivity detection is a powerful and sensitive technique to analyse charged ionic species, especially anions of strong acids. The chemically regenerated membrane suppressor Xenoic® XAMS can enable analysis of such anions down to levels of a few microgram per litre (part per billion, ppb).

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Separation of twelve organic acids by ion exclusion chromatography
ion-exclusion chromatography

Separation of organic acids by ion-exclusion chromatography

Separation of organic acids can be a challenging task due to their hydrophilic nature and structural diversity. One of the more traditional approaches to this analysis is ion exclusion chromatography, which offer complementary selectivity to other separation techniques, especially for the monovalent acids which tend to be more strongly retained in this mode.

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Foscarnet assay calibration with XAMS suppressor and ASUREX-A200
ion chromatography

Modernized assay for foscarnet following ICH guidelines

New preliminary assay for the antiviral medication foscarnet which is a DNA polymerase inhibitor that is used to combat herpes viruses, including drug-resistant cytomegalovirus, and to treat patients with HIV as part of salvage therapy. This method was developed by Diduco to meet the requirements in the ICH guidelines, as a contribution to the United States Pharmacopoeia initiative for modernized monograph methods.

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ion chromatography

Analysis of clodronate related substances according to European Pharmacopoeia monograph

Official quality control method for the first-generation bisphosphonate clodronate, which inhibits bone resorption and is used to treat bone weakness or pain caused by cancer that has spread to the skeleton. This analysis was performed according to the European Pharmacopoeia monograph method which is used to determine related substances that could be present as impurities in the active ingredient.

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Pharamaceutical counterions with XAMS suppressor and ASUREX-A200
ion chromatography

Generic method for isocratic separation of fifteen common pharmaceutical counterions

Many medicines and dietary supplements are bases that carry a positive charge, and consequently these small molecules are accompanied by negatively charged counterions. Such anionic excipients may influence the properties of the pharmaceutical formulation and can also influence the effect of the active ingredient since different ion pairs can have different dissolution rates or abilities to penetrate cell walls.

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Alternative method for voriconazole impurity E
ion chromatography

Alternative method for determination of voriconazole impurity E

Voriconazole is an antifungal medication that is included on the WHO Model list of Essential Medicines. During synthesis of the active ingredient a resolving agent for chiral amines is often used, and it is thus necessary that the quality control prove that this substance is not present at harmful levels in the final product.

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Pharamaceutical counterions with XAMS suppressor and ASUREX-A200
ion chromatography

Generic method for isocratic separation of ten common pharmaceutical counterions

Many medicines and dietary supplements are bases that carry a positive charge, and consequently these small molecules are accompanied by negatively charged counterions. Such anionic excipients may influence the properties of the pharmaceutical formulation and can also influence the effect of the active ingredient since different ion pairs can have different dissolution rates or abilities to penetrate cell walls.

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I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding our products and services.

Tobias Jonsson
CEO, PhD in chemistry
Mobile: +46 705783490

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