Analyte: bromide


Suppressed ion chromatography with conductivity detection is a powerful and sensitive technique to analyse charged ionic species, especially anions of strong acids. The chemically regenerated membrane suppressor Xenoic® XAMS can enable analysis of such anions down to levels of a few microgram per litre (part per billion, ppb).
Many medicines and dietary supplements are bases that carry a positive charge, and consequently these small molecules are accompanied by negatively charged counterions. Such anionic excipients may influence the properties of the pharmaceutical formulation and can also influence the effect of the active ingredient since different ion pairs can have different dissolution rates or abilities to penetrate cell walls.
Gradient elution is a powerful tool when aiming to separate many compounds having a wide range of different chemical characteristics. Hydroxide gradients are the most common approach in ion chromatography since they can be converted into pure water with nearly zero conductivity.
Many medicines and dietary supplements are bases that carry a positive charge, and consequently these small molecules are accompanied by negatively charged counterions. Such anionic excipients may influence the properties of the pharmaceutical formulation and can also influence the effect of the active ingredient since different ion pairs can have different dissolution rates or abilities to penetrate cell walls.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.
Separation of inorganic anion standards at eluent conditions recommended by the column manufacturer.

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I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding our products and services.

Tobias Jonsson
CEO, PhD in chemistry
Mobile: +46 705783490

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